Remarketing: Definition, And How It Works.

Have you ever experienced that you sign up on a website to purchase something? You select one thing and add it to your cart. You left your purchase without confirmation. But the next day, you accidentally see the same ad for that product on your browser. TaDa! You have been retargeted for remarketing.

Almost 96% of people leave websites without making any purchases. So If you use those marketing techniques you can convert those visitors into potential buyers.

Definition Of Remarketing

Remarketing or also called retargeting means selling the same product again to a buyer who once showed interest to buy. It means to engage that person who interacted with the brand in the past. It encourages them to take the right action. Because of the appeal, they show in your brand previously.

For example, on Amazon, someone creates an account. Later add a product to the cart but somehow left the dashboard without purchase. So now a marketer can use the buyer’s email or phone number. He can remarket that product to that person. How? By sending a reminder message by email or phone. It will show them your interest and so they will make a purchase.

How It Works

So now you will be interested to know how remarketing works. This works when a person visits your website and gets some cookies. This happens when they meet specific criteria you set on your website. That setting enables you to get the required information in the form of cookies.
Basically when a person visits your website but does not purchase anything. Then you have to remarket that product to that particular person. In that case, when they visit your profile their cookies ID is added to your remarketing list. Now you can use those cookies to show your ads to their Browser. If you use Google ads then you can just add a code that can be followed by your website. You can get the data of those visitors. This will give your marketing strategy a boost.
So here is a summary of how remarketing works.

  • First, a user comes to your website.
  • He left the site without any purchase but cookies can track him.
  • Now that users can see your remarketing ads on other websites.
  • Now if he clicks on the ad then he will return to your website.
  • So now he can complete the action that is desired to make a purchase

Remarketing Vs Retargeting Definition

So, Let me tell you more about remarketing and retargeting. They share the same goals and the same meanings but they are a bit different from each other.

  • Remarketing focuses on using the email of the buyers. The buyer who has already done business with your brand so far.
  • While retargeting focuses on using social media ads or search engines by serving ads. It will attract the future client to buy things again.

Retargeting is all about bringing visitors back to your website. So, they can buy it again. Now, remarketing is more about re-engaging your potential customers. It helps to keep them involved with your brand. Hence they will buy again and help you to boost your purchase count.

Examples of Remarketing

So there is a number of inspiring examples of remarketing. We will mention some of them here. But the most popular one is ‘Nike’. As we see that if we visit the Nike website and do not make any purchases. But later on, when we visit some other websites, we can see ads running alongside that website. Hence, this is remarketing because Nike runs a marketing ad campaign.
Therefore, the ad of Nike was shown on some websites you visit. So, You will surely click on that and make a purchase. This is called remarketing. If you talk about retargeting then this is basically if You have already purchased something from a Nike store and you have given up your phone number or Email address. Then they will send you messages or emails about their brand. Emails containing Ads for similar items of my choice might convince you to make a purchase. So this is retargeting. This strategy can boost your business. So here are some examples of brands that used remarketing strategies to become successful. Some of them are as follows.

  • Shopify
  • Amazon
  • Adidas
  • Gucci


Nowadays in digital marketing, sellers use this method of re-marketing to sell goods. You can run ads to sell on websites. Buyers come to visit those websites to buy their desired products. For example amazon, Shopify, or any other brand website. You can get data from the user or buyer. The data could be the email or phone number that the buyer put on the first visit. Now you can simply email or message them. In which you can tell them about their incomplete purchase.

You can market your goods to new or existing customers. So that’s why it is called ‘re-marketing. It also helps to make new customers. So, you can easily retarget your customers on various places like Facebook ads, and Google ads, to remarket your goods.

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