Product Development Strategy: Definition and Examples

A product development strategy helps the company to grow well. In this strategy, new products can be made or the old products can be modified into new products. After that, a new product is delivered to the market. Where the product is sold. Which makes good earnings. If the product is not meet the needs, business does go down.

What is Product Development Strategy?

A product development strategy is the process of getting a new product into the market. The new product can be set from the older ones. This can be done by serial market research. The product comes into the market after careful testing and planning.

Growth of Product Development Strategy:

In product development strategy new helpful product is made. The firm has three options. The firm pick one choice. Following are the three options.

  • Make a new product from zero.
  • Get current products from the market.
  • Make changes to old products.

The product development strategy goes through many steps. To make a new product. Or make a new product from an old product. Following are some steps one should follow

  • Study about the product development
  • Get full facts about buyers’ need
  • Product rate. How they will look like designing the product
  • Format and result

Every firm has, unlike product development strategies. Some of the product development strategies firms follow are

  • Buy products from others. Sell the things by their name.
  • Some firms work jointly. to make one new Product.

Following help a firm to grow in product development

  • Full study about the product. That they are making.
  • What will the effect be? What are the buyer’s needs?

The Brand Expands:

The main useful fact for product development strategy is the brand wing. Can use the brand name for this. Or can make new product lists. Brand names can be used in many ways. Following are some of them them.

  • Presenting the real products in a new shape.
  • Making a new product by joining two products.
  • Giving a brand name to another product.
  • Giving some product as a gift to the buyer.

Expanding a brand is useful. Because it helps product development strategy. You don’t have to create a whole product. Following are expanding brand benefits.

  • Your existing name will join with the new product. You are already famous. Get more famous
  • So that, the price of the product will be low.

The result of expanding the brand depends on the product development strategy. If the product does not interlink with each other. New one’s products do not link with old ones. So it will result in a bad effect on the business.

Product Development Strategy Examples:

To start a product development strategy that goes into the market. Look which product is in demand. If the firm now aims to make products. It can easily reach its goal. Hence, some points should be followed in the product development strategy

  • How does the brand solve the problem
  • What in fashion?
  • What will be the buyer’s mood? If fashion changes.

Successful Product Development Strategy:

When a product is made new. By adding some things to it. Sell in the need. It is a benefit for the product. The buyer already using the product. Will buy the new version of it. Rather than buying other new product


  • Apple

iPhone updates its performance. The update may be in

  • Camera quality
  • Better wifi
  • Design
  • Storage
  • Color

People are crazy to get Apple iPhones. So they are there to pay the amount to get it. It gives an advantage to the firm’s strategy. Apple is inducing high income. By changing only some facts according to buyer needs.

  • Spotify and Uber

In Product development strategy two firms may combine. Make one product that helps both. For example, Spotify and Uber firms, they work together. Fulfill buyers’ needs. So, they make their firms better.

Product Development Strategy of Modified Product:

What steps does a firm follow when it modifies a product from an old one?

  • Firms should Collect data about the product. By testing, building, and teaching the product. After that count the result.
  • Product development task: make sure that the firm, worker, and seller interact with each other. Are they doing the job well? So that success guides them.

Create a Strategy:

A product leadership team is a must. Without it, a product development method can’t be built. Product growth is the gateway. Hence, it helps to mix many teams in the firm. So that, Work together to make a good result. The team firm may be

  • Product management
  • Maker
  • Creator
  • Marketing Tester, inquiry and reply
  • Dealer
  • Shipper
  • Buyer
  • Trader

Product Strategy For New Products:

There are 7 stages of developing a new product. The new product is made from raw. So, one should follow these steps when making a strategy.

  1. The idea of the product you will make
  2. Get information about the product
  3. How to build the product
  4. How will it look like
  5. From where get the product
  6. What will it price
  7. Lastly, How to promote the product


A product development strategy helps the firm to extend or grow. The product management team works with another firm team. So, to make a new product. They may change the old product. It is useful to change an old product. However, in the product growth strategy, building a new product has fewer results. Then making a product from the old product. Buyers were already been using the product. So making a new one is the best option.

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