Capital Allocation | Definition, Importance, and Methods

Capital allocation definition and its types

What is Capital Allocation? Capital allocation is a method through which a company chooses to invest its funds. Its primary objective is to increase profits for shareholders. It’s a significant financial decision taken by the CEO and CFO together. They decide how and where the company will invest its profits. Therefore, it’s an essential step for a business’s long-term success. … Read more

Income Statement And Balance Sheet: What’s the Difference?

Income statement vs balance sheet

Income Statement vs. Balance Sheet: The income statement and balance sheet are two important financial statements that serve different purposes. The income statement shows a company’s revenue, expenses, and profits over a specific period of time. The balance sheet summarizes a company’s assets, liabilities, and equity at a specific point in time. It’s essential to … Read more

What is a Balance Sheet? Assets| Liabilities| Equity| Classification

balance sheet

A balance sheet is one of the major financial statements of a company. It shows the assets, liabilities, and equity of a company at the closing date. The assets of a company provide future economic benefits through which income can be generated. Examples include cash in hand or bank, inventory, accounts receivables, or fixed assets … Read more

What is Liquidity Ratio? Good Ratio| Types of Financial Ratios

what is Liquidity Ratio

In simple non-accounting terms, the liquidity ratio is a financial ratio that helps to determine the assets to pay off the remaining short-term debts. Companies can use current assets to pay off their current liabilities. For example, a company will use its cash in hand, accounts receivables, and inventory to meet its obligations. It is … Read more

3 Tools of Financial Statement Analysis | Types and Techniques

Diagram showing the 3 tools of financial statement analysis: horizontal analysis, vertical analysis, and ratio analysis.

Financial Statement Analysis: It is the process of analyzing the financial statements of the company or organization. These are used in the decision-making process. It helps the external stakeholders to evaluate the performance of the company. It helps in understanding the overall condition of the company. The departments and employees inside the company use 3 … Read more

What is Auditing | Audit, Types, Cycle, and its Significant

Diagram illustrating the various stages of the auditing cycle, including planning, risk assessment, testing, and reporting.

What is Auditing An assessment and evaluation of the financial statements of a company are called auditing. it is performed by a third party. In auditing, they evaluate a person, company, strategy, methods, enterprise, project, or product. In short, it can apply to all parts of the company or specific portions. It is a process … Read more

What is Financial Management | Definition, Types, and Functions

Illustration of financial management objectives including financial planning, forecasting, budgeting, decision making, and risk management

Financial Management Definition: The financial management definition includes planning, organizing, directing, and controlling financial activities. Moreover, the financial activities consist of procurement and fund utilization of the company or enterprise. It is a useful and productive way of utilizing financial resources. Objectives of Financial Management: Financial management is an important business function that is associated … Read more

What is Securities | Definition, Types and Security Markets

An illustration of different types of securities including debt securities, equity securities, derivatives securities and hybrid securities, with a brief overview of each type.

Definition of Securities: Financial instruments or certificates that hold value and can be traded are called securities. In addition, “any financial instrument that has a monetary value” is another way to define securities. Financial instruments are cheques, bonds, or securities such as debt and equity. However, it provides quick and easy exchange, buying, selling, and … Read more