Mass Marketing: Definition, Advantages, and Example

Mass marketing helps to yield high-volume sales. Sellers want to sell products to as many people as possible. That’s why it is also known as undifferentiated marketing. They appeal to them that way. The mass distribution of ads links to all products. Both old and new products. Products that are available for purchase. The strategy in this approach focuses on a higher volume of sales. While at a lower price you can obtain full exposure for the product.

What Is Mass Marketing?

So let’s define what is mass marketing. Mass marketing is the process of attracting a huge number of buyers. It does not aim to attract one specific group. Marketers do that by two methods. Those methods are to reach out to a larger audience. What are those two methods? That is mass distribution and mass media.

Mass distribution aims to market to the highest number of customers. Mass media are means of mass communication. For example the internet, print media, social media, or billboards. However, there is another strategy called Niche marketing. Niche Marketing is the opposite of mass selling. In which the company targets one specific audience.

Explain How Mass Marketing and Relationship Marketing Differ?

Let’s understand what is relationship marketing. It is a business strategy. As the name suggests, it means building a relationship with your customers. This type of selling works for goods and services for a specific customer. Its goal is to keep every customer for a long time. It offers them products or services that meet their needs.
While mass marketing means selling products to a larger audience. It aids to get large groups of people. Relationship selling does not support mass selling. It helps to keep your customers for the long term. It helps to have a 2-way connection. let’s see what are the differences between each other.

Mass MarketingRelationship Marketing
Interaction with customerTo the larger audienceMakes relationships with a new customer
Response to the marketLess responsive to the marketMore responsive to the market
FocusTo get recognizeTo get continuous buys.
CommunicationOne way. From marketers to audienceTwo ways both marketers and customers interact with each other.
ExampleAirlines. Starbucks. They keep their customers by sending emails.
Mass Marketing Vs Relationship Marketing

Advantages Of Mass Marketing:

Now we understand mass marketing. Now let’s discuss its advantages. There are so many benefits but here we discuss a few of them.


Mass selling does not require customized products. For this reason, that’s for the whole public. This helps it to be more cost-effective for both buyers and manufacturers. As for buyers, it will make lesser prices for them. And for manufacturers, it lowers production costs. That most people like undifferentiated marketing, not niche one.

Increased Customer Reach:

This type of technology allows you to reach a wider public. The public can become potential buyers. Since this needs less market research. It can help to reach high sales volumes. Any company uses a mass marketing strategy when they deploy ads to attract a lot of customers. Those ads play on different channels like print media, social media, and broadcasting.

Brand Awareness:

Another advantage of mass selling is brand awareness. We see this on our mobile while using the Internet. There are several ads for games, food, or clothes. They target a versatile audience. However, they create awareness among them. So this can aid them to get recognized by customers. For example, KFC is a very famous fast-food brand. You can see their ads on social media, billboards, TV, radio, etc. Therefore anyone can identify them. Thus mass selling helps in brand awareness for the company.

Disadvantages of Mass Marketing: 

So there are some disadvantages of mass marketing. You should always think of them while you consider mass planning.

The scale of a Business:

The smaller companies have a harder time. In mass selling, your business should be massive. It should be big enough with good revenue. As if a small company uses it then it will be harder for them to roll out to a larger audience. And to generate good revenue.

Unable To Customization:

In mass marketing, you advertise to a larger number of people. This type creates problems in creating customized products. This process attracts a huge number of buyers. So the formula is that the product fits all. It does not aim to attract one group size. This strategy creates space for competitors who can subside you. How? they will create custom products and fill up the space left by you. So, they will win in that situation.

Mass Marketing Examples:

Billboards, print media, and television are means of selling. This means sellers can advertise through these sources. So here we discuss a few brands as examples.

Coca-Cola and Colgate:

For example, Coca-Cola and Colgate are famous brands. They are the best example of mass marketing. The company uses television, radio, and print ads to attract a larger audience. Both products use distribution channels. Like grocery stores and vending machines like coca-cola. It will help make their product available.

McDonald and KFC:

McDonald’s and KFC are fast food chains. They follow the rules of mass marketing. The food chains advertise on television, radio, and the internet. McDonald’s and KFC have a strong presence. They have outlets in such as malls, airports, etc.


Mass marketing is to sell products to a larger audience. Social media and print media is the source by which we can do mass marketing. Like, on billboards, the internet, and television. It helps to reach a larger number of buyers. We also talk about relationship marketing. It allows getting in contact with customers. It helps to keep potential customers. However, a company should make a plan to take his brand to next level. Big companies use this mass strategy. Because they have much money to do that. So, if you are planning to reach a wider audience. Mass marketing is the best option.

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