What Is Marketing Concept | Meaning, Definition And Explanation

Marketing Concept Definition:

Which marketing management orientation holds that a firm should have a customer focus to achieve sales and profits is the marketing concept. In this concept, companies have two option to attract their customer. First, is hard sell strategy and second is the soft sell strategy. In hard sell strategy, companies use the realistic information about the product and service. Which trigger the response of the customer to make a purchase decision about that product. However, This information can be product and services positive attributes as well as negative attributes.

In these techniques, companies arrange promotional event in which they can get firsthand experience about the product. These promotional events enable customers to use that goods and services through which they can have first end experience about product.

In soft sell technique, companies more emphasize on advertising to pin point customers emotion. This strategy is associated with heart. For example, SHAN Foods is using the soft cell strategy to attract new customers as well as to retain the previous one. In these commercials, they portrait a person who is living for away from their home and his holy event comes. Due to his holy events he misses the mother hand cooked food. SHAN Foods trigger him to use realize that we can not shorten your distance. But you can take the taste of your mother handed cooked foods by using SHAN foods species.

There are too many other things which comes under the marketing concept. In marketing concept, companies focus on to serve its customers at its best. The marketing concept also helps to retain loyal customers which ultimately reduces companies overhead costs. In short, if we have to summarize in just two words there is no suitable words rather than hard sell strategy and soft sell strategy.

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