What Is Customer Relationship Management | Definition & Explanation

Customer Relationship Management Definition:

Customer relationship management can be described as the overall process of building and maintaining profitable customer relationships by delivering superior customer value and satisfaction. This process also starts from thinking of a product idea to delivering the final product to the end user.


The management of the company or as individual should focus on the superior value and satisfaction. Let us talk about the superior value and customer satisfaction. These both values have different parameters, in other words it varies from person to person. Hence, every person have its own definition of superior value for, example a person purchases a cold drink bottle. After drinking it, customer will decide if it has provided a satisfaction to me or not. In short, these types of parameters are based on customer inner state of living. Sometimes, customer uses a product but due to imbalance in his personal inner state customer feels it did not provide the satisfaction.

To tackle with this situation, after sales service department plays a vital role to answer customer queries. Sometimes, customer perceives wrong perception about a product due to incomplete information. This also can be the cause of dissatisfaction of a customer. That is why, customer relationship management or The overall process of building and maintaining profitable customer relationships by delivering superior customer value and satisfaction.

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