What is Targeting Definition & Its Methods

“Targeting definition” in simple words is identifying and selecting a specific group or individuals with particular interests and focused preferences. Philip Kotler describes targeting as “consists of a set of buyers who have common needs and/or characteristics to those that the company or organization decides to serve”.

What is the Targeting Definition?

In general, “Targeting definition” involves finding and selecting a specific group or individuals with common interests and analyzing their characteristics, behaviors, and approach to customize any message or action to achieve a particular result

In Marketing plans “Targeting” strategy focuses on identifying a set of consumers to offer them services or products. So, Targeting means searching specific audiences or segments. That helps a market to learn about consumer behavior and buying habits. While it creates or designs products, advertisements, and other marketing plans.

Method of Targeting:

There are several ways by which targeting can occur. The most famous targeting methods used in marketing are

  1. Behavioural Targeting
  2. Demographic Targeting
  3. Geographic Targeting
  4. Psychographic Targeting


In this type of targeting, you need to see what are the people’s activities. It will help you to determine what kind of advertising and messages will engage them well. If you notice their activity then you will be able to create a personalized marketing plan. It will target them according to their behaviors. This process relies on research.


In marketing, you can classify your target audience into different segments. Segments like everyone with a certain identity. For example, identify as a certain age group, family size, income level, gender education, and occupation. So when targeting an audience on the basis of main characteristics called demographic targeting.


As the name indicates, you need to target the audience on the basis of their location. in this type of targeting different content is delivered to the people based on their geo-location. In today’s era of globalization, this type of segmentation is important. For example, if you want to order food then you have to set your location so that you can order your food from nearby restaurants.


In traditional marketing sellers used to target customers on the basis of demographic. But Psychographics is a new yet precise approach to target buyers. So Psychographic targeting means to identify and target customers on the basis of their psychological characteristics. This segment target customers on the basis of their choices, lifestyles, values, and interests. es.

Definition of Behavioural Targeting:

This targeting method works on the simple formula of finding an audience. Searching based on their behaviors. The data for this can be gathered through their browsing history, online purchases, and search terms. Moreover, which kind of online activities they are involved in, likes dislikes, reviews history, tracking of their social media, and other activities time consumed on different apps.

After collecting data, it helps to plan marketing strategies, and advertising campaigns based on individuals’ interests and preferences. As an example, health-conscious people will search for organic products or health-related sites which will help the organic producer to target consumers through ads and various health-related campaigns.

Behavioural Targeting is very beneficial for multiple advertising platforms such as social media ads, display ads, and search ads. Although this method of targeting may seem too old. When you focus on buyers’ interests and needs then it will be one of the most effective ways to create ads.

They can be used in a variety of online advertising formats, such as display ads, social media ads, and search ads. However, It is a more effective way to reach consumers than traditional advertising methods. As it can be more closely to the interests and behaviors of the target audience.

However, there are concerns about data privacy related to behavior, as it involves tracking individuals’ online activities and collecting personal data. To address these concerns, many jurisdictions have implemented the access of data, data collection, and use of personal data in online advertising.

What Does Segmentation Targeting and Positioning Definition?

Market segmentation is a marketing strategy. in which you divide the total potential audience into well-defined segments. Further, you can divide them into smaller groups. A segment has similar characteristics but is different from another segment. So target one segment on the basis of the characteristics. For example, If we talk about food. organic food chains will target that segment of people who are health conscious. Rather those who like fast food and have a history of ordering such food from eateries.

Positioning means placing your brand or product in a specific place in the market. that place should be the spot of interest for the targeted audience. So the process of market positioning and brand positioning involves how you sell your product or services to the buyers and gets the position. For example, a handbag should be placed in a store offering luxury items.

In marketing positioning, the goal of a seller is to influence the buyer. such influence who gives you an advantage over a competitor. A great positioning strategy improves marketing efforts. It helps buyers to move from brand awareness to product purchase decisions.

Why Explaining Targeting Definition is Important?

Target marketing helps in managing and targeting your targeted audience. Also, it helps to increase your leads. Targeting is very beneficial to get your target. Here are some benefits:

  • Helps in direct connection with a specific audience
  • It attracts high-quality leads
  • Makes a brand stand out
  • Develops deeper customer trust
  • Improves customer relations
  • Helps you to focus on a specific segment
  • Assist you in improving products and services.


The most important process of marketing is targeting. Selling the product to the buyer accordingly. So identifying it first will give benefit the seller. A target market can help in making potential customers. as segmenting the customers and targeting them accordingly will help a seller to achieve his/her goals fast. Targeting the right audience will appeal to them and convince them to make a purchase at first. Above we have studied four types of targeting. they are based on different characteristics. Like, as demographic, geographic, psychographic, and behavioral. So targeti

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